Ok, so really groups of zebra are often called herds, though certain species often travel in "harems" with one male and a group of females.
I came up with this idea immediately after an image of girls who spent way more time on their hair than I was ever interested in. For safety, zebras clump together and because of their stripes, the predator can't tell how many there are or how big they are and get confused. Also, they're very cute. Which I imagine the predator would be indifferent to.
I tried to do this in charcoal pencil first, but quickly remembered how much charcoal drives me crazy. Sharpie is my friend. I made a simplified version of Giselle in the background there to be a counterpoint to the clique, the odd-beast out, poor girl.
I considered putting her in a striped t-shirt to show her trying to be zebra, but I think I like the simpler version better. Thoughts?
PS: G wanted me to illustrate some graph algorithms. Apparently there are groups of nodes called cliques....but what can I say, I was stuck on the zebra idea.